Announced: 5th Sustainable Phosphorus Summit to take place in Kunming, China, August 2016

The 5th Sustainable Phosphorus Summit (SPS 2016)

16th-20th August, 2016
Kunming, China


16th August: Registration
17th-19th August: oral and poster sessions
20th August: field trip

Kunming is the capital city of Yunnan Province, which is a global “Hot Spot” of biodiversity, as well as the diversity center of Chinese culture gathering 24 minority groups with their own cultures, food and customs as well as beautiful landscapes in thetropical and subtropical regions of southwest China.

As a partner of the SPS 2016, Yuntianhua Group, the largest fertilizer company in Asia and second largest in the world, offers an unique opportunity to host a field trip to see the whole P production chain from mining and processing of P rock, inorganic P fertilizer production, fine chemistry of P processing and refining, low-grade P rock beneficiation, ecological restoration of mining sites, utilization in agriculture and forestry, eutrophication of water bodies such as Dianchi lake and so on.

SPS 2016 is the fifth of a young and successful series of Sustainable Phosphorus Summits that was launched in Linköping (Sweden) in 2010, and then went to Tempe (USA) in 2011,  Sydney (Australia) in 2012 and Montpellier (France) in 2014, as related to the Global Phosphorus Research Initiative. It is a global, multidisciplinary event to discuss the phosphorus production and utilization, management and sustainability, involving scientists, policy makers and other stakeholders.

Phosphorus is an essential element for the physiological activities of all living organisms. Phosphorus sustainability attractsworldwide concerns. The focus of this Summit is thus on fundamental research, societal concerns and application areas in thefollowing six domains:

(1)   P Reserve and MiningSustainable technologies and policies related to global phosphate rock resources and innovative mining;

(2)   Production of P fertilizer: Potential technologies for improving the production efficiency of phosphate fertilizer in the phosphate industry;

(3)   Sustainable Use of P: Strategies and management for improving the efficiency of phosphorus utilization in agricultural production, livestock and poultry industry; phosphorus recycling / recovery technologies;

(4)   Holistic P Flow: Analysis and evaluation of phosphorus flows in natural and social systems (biogeochemical cycle, production and value chain, household consumption and beyond);

(5)   Environmental Sustainability: Environmental problems caused by phosphorus accumulation in soils and water bodies, and the measures to deal with them; and

(6)   Global and Regional P Governance: Governance issues and solutions, and the policy and actions to reduce phosphorus vulnerability.

SPS 2016 will define the global phosphorus research priority agenda, integrating phosphorus-related issues across scales, geographical regions and scientific domains. To do so, this Summit will bring together scientists, policy makers and other stakeholders from all over the world, to strengthen exchanges of views across discipline boundaries and societal domains.Phosphorus sustainability is a big concern in China too, so we will have a China-dedicated session to discuss the sustainable phosphorus management along its whole cycle and value chain in China, including phosphate mining, phosphorus fertilizer production and use in agriculture, phosphorus loss and environmental pollution, and phosphorus flow in the food system.

As a supporting event, the annual conference on China National Nutrient Management will also take place before SPS 2016, focusing on nutrient resource management in China. Delegates will have the opportunity to attend both events, which will be part of this unique China Nutrient Management week 2016.

The Summit will be hosted by China Agricultural University and Yuntianhua Group in Kunming, supported by P Fertilizer Industry Association, National Engineering Center of Efficient P resource utilization, Yunnan Soil and Fertilizer Association, Ministry of Agriculture, China, by the 16th-20th August, 2016.

I believe that this forthcoming Sustainable Phosphorus Summit will make a great contribution on global phosphorus sustainability issues. The Summit will also provide an unique opportunity for high-level dialogue and communicating/publishing to the government and the public. It is my pleasure to invite you to attend the Summit. More information will be delivered soon. Please confirm your interest for SPS 2016, so that we can deliver updated information to you.


Best regards,

Fusuo Zhang / Jianbo Shen
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
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