3rd Sustainable Phosphorus Summit, Sydney, 2012

The 3rd Sustainable Phosphorus Summit was held in Sydney, Australia, 29th Feb – 2nd March, 2012, hosted by GPRI co-founders the Institute for Sustainable Futures. This follows from previous Summit’s in Linkoping Sweden, Phoenix Arizona, Montpellier France. And precedes the 5th Sustainable Phosphorus Summit in Kunming, China.

Key outputs from the 3rd Sustainable Phosphorus Summit, Sydney, include:

Blueprint for Global Phosphorus Security

Download Blueprint

This Blueprint was co-developed with input from over 100 Summit participants. It outlines the principles, challenges and opportunities involved in achieving global phosphorus security. It recommends initiatives, strategies, roles and responsibilities to identified stakeholders. This document aims to encourage research and policy action in the field of phosphorus sustainability and bring attention to this emerging global sustainability challenge.

In conversation with Nobel Prize laureate Prof Paul Crutzen: Lessons for phosphorus

What lessons can be learnt from the successful global governance of Ozone for the urgent issue of managing phosphorus scarcity? It took 20 years between the discovery of ozone depletion and international policy action to ban ozone-depleting substances via The Montreal Protocol. Phosphorus scarcity is one of the newest global threats – but will we have to wait 20 years to see policy change in response to this emerging challenge? How long can we wait? In this brief film we speak with Nobel Prize Laureate Professor Paul Crutzen who identified the hole in the ozone layer together with colleagues, to seek insights and lessons learnt for phosphorus.

This film was produced by the Institute for Sustainable Futures for the the 3rd Sustainable Phosphorus Summit at UTS in Sydney, February 29 2012, which addressed such questions and formulated a blueprint for global action on phosphorus security.